This packet will explain the available resources through Holy Ghost Housing. Please read all Rules and Regulations carefully and thoroughly. Our housing can be transitional or permanent, depending on your needs. You decide if and when you are ready to move out into the community.

Program fees begin at $525.00 a month & go up for a shared room. All move-in fees must be paid by or upon your move-in date. Beds are on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you would like to reserve a bed, all your move-in fees must be paid before you can submit one of our addresses. And we will hold a bed for you. The total move-in fees for a shared room are $1000.00. If DOC turns down the address, you can submit one of our other addresses, and if that one should be turned down, you will get your fees returned. But, if you do not want to come to the Holy Ghost Housing and would instead go elsewhere, your fees will not be refunded because we held the bed for you.

We accept all persons as well as registered sex offenders (all levels) and paroling sex offenders who will be on supervision as long as the Marysville DOC accepts them. All program fees must be paid before your move-in date. If you qualify for a DOC Voucher to pay your program fee, the DOC must approve it before releasing it.

Voucher approval covers all costs for 90 days.
All our homes are Christian, with a mandatory weekly church service and Bible study. Private counseling is available upon request.

The availability of beds changes from time to time, so keep in touch with us.

Shared Room$525-$550 per month
Private Room$525-$775 per month

The fee includes utilities, Cable TV in the dayroom, House Phone, Bed & Dresser, and full use of the home’s kitchen, bath, laundry, etc.

Clean & Sober Housing Move-In Fees for a Shared Room

1st month program fee $525.00 + ½ month’s fee $275.00 + $200.00 non-refundable maintenance fee
Total Move-In Fees for a Shared Room = $1000.00. Must be paid in full before moving in!

**IMPORTANT ** Please Note:
Please notify management 30 days before vacating so your two-week deposit will be used
“Use it or Lose it.”
*** Holy Ghost Housing requires all applicants to pay their move-in fees fully before accepting any of our addresses for your release. Suppose your release date is more than six mos. Out, submit the address, but do not send any money. Wait till it’s 60 days out. ***

Holy Ghost Housing Release Address:

Intake House Address: 18816 Smokey Point Blvd Arlington, WA 98223 (on bus line)

We have eight houses in total. When beds become available, you can request to move.


"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Marital Status:
Are you an Alcoholic and Addict?
Are you taking any prescription drugs?
Will you be on Suboxone?
**Describe Your Criminal History and Reasons for Present Incarceration on the back of this Application. Include Your Present Sentencing & Supervision Requirements. Failure to be truthful can lead to expulsion from our homes.**

Please read these rules carefully. They must be followed to keep peace and an organized house. Failure to follow the rules will result in fines or eviction, depending on the violation. **RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE** depending on conditions at the house, to provide a peaceful, ongoing, clean, and sober environment.

NO Drugs, Alcohol, Weapons, Fighting, Stealing, or Disruptive Behavior!

A. PAYMENT OF program fees
  1. All Program fees & fines are payable to Holy Ghost Housing. It is the responsibility of the member to make sure Program Fees are paid on time.
  2. Program fees are due on the 1st of each month. Members will be charged a late charge of $5.00 a day for any fees made between the 5th & the 14th of the month.
  3. Unless arrangements have been made with the Pastor for an extension, you must vacate the premises if your program fee at 6 pm has not been paid in full by 6 pm on the 14th of the month. See “Expulsion” at the end of the agreement.
B. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL You will be subject to random drug tests throughout your stay. These tests can be perfectly random and or because of suspicion of use. Any use of these substances, whether legal by state law or not, can result in immediate removal from the program. Pastor Ed will review all cases of drug and or alcohol use. If it is decided that you can stay in the program by Pastor Ed, you will receive 40 hours of service at the ministry. The hours must be completed within 60 days of the violation. You will also be placed on house arrest until you can provide a clean sample. Please know staying in the program after the use of drugs or alcohol is solely up to the Pastor. Initials____________
C. CURFEW There is a midnight curfew in this program, but there may be times when you want to stay out past curfew. If you are on DOC, this must be approved by your DOC officer first. Then, you must ask the program leadership for permission. If you are not on DOC, you must receive permission at least 24 hours in advance.
  1. You will occupy your own room.
  2. Do not enter another member’s room without their permission.
  3. All rooms become available by seniority.
  4. NO PORNOGRAPHY ALLOWED. Not in your room or the house.
  5. Your room is to be kept reasonably clean.
  6. You may not paint your room without permission from Pastor Mack
  7. No pets of any type are allowed.
  8. Rooms will be inspected without notification.
  9. Because of fire hazard/system overload concerns, the Pastor or agent must pre-approve any electrical sound systems or other appliances before using them in a member’s room.
  10. No open flames; candles, incense, etc.
  1. You will be assigned a daily or weekly cleaning chore.
  2. Failure to do your chore or sign off your chore on the list will result in fines and other penalties.
  1. Laundry hours are 8 am to 10 pm, Monday through Sunday
  1. Quiet hours are from 10 pm to 8 am daily.
  2. Stereos, TVs & loud talking must not be so loud as to disturb others.
  3. After 10 pm, headphones will be used on any audio device except in the T.V. room
  1. There are no time restrictions on TV time use.
  2. The TV will be in the dayroom on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  1. Sexual relations are prohibited while living in the Christian-based Holy Ghost Housing. The only exception is for a LEGALLY MARRIED MAN AND WOMEN.
Initials: _____________
  1. Pastor Ed Richardson will settle all disputes if they cannot be worked out among the members of the household or management.
  1. A storage shelf, shared refrigerator, and shared freezers are provided.
  2. The house provides a pantry for free food.
  3. Eating someone else’s food without permission constitutes stealing.
  1. Kitchen and stove use are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  2. You are expected to clean up & wash your dishes after you’re done.
  3. The house supplies all needed utensils & dishes.
  1. Long-distance call service is not available.
  2. The house phone is not allowed in your room.
  3. You are not required to answer the phone when it rings, but if you do, you are required to look for the person the call is for or take a written message for them.
  4. Limit your conversation to 15 minutes.
(Mandatory to all program participants and residents)
Initials: ¬_______________
  1. Mandatory Church Services: Sunday 8:30 am – Wednesday 6 pm. You must attend.
  2. If you need to miss a program meeting for any reason, you must notify Don Blystone at least one hour before the meeting begins and get their permission, or you will be fined—no excuses.
  3. You must stand at all praise and worship services
  4. You must be on time for the meetings. If you are late, you will be subject to extra chores or a fine.
  1. Your mother does not live here, so you must clean up any mess you make.
  2. Do not make a mess & expect the person with chores to clean up after you. You will be penalized!!!
  3. This also goes for personal hygiene, toilets & showers.
  1. The house supplies the following items: Comet, Light bulbs, Dish soap, Sponges, Trash bags.
  1. No female visitors except to attend church services and bible study are allowed. They come for services and must leave immediately after that. Visitors are subject to each & every house rule, and visitors are your responsibility. Whatever they do, you did. If they use, you used, and you’re out!!!
  2. No overnight visitors are allowed unless approved by Senior Staff or Pastor Ed Richardson.
  3. No minors allowed.
  4. You may not leave your visitors in the house while you leave.
  5. Do not allow visitors to roam the house or go directly to the person’s room.
  6. No sleepovers without permission
  1. Auto per member is allowed.
  2. The auto must be registered, licensed, and insured by the member, or the vehicle will not be able to park on any Holy Ghost Housing property.
  3. If your car is not running, it must be fixed within one week or removed from the property, or it will be towed at your expense.
  1. Smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and using spit bottles are prohibited inside the house.
  2. You must go outside to smoke, use e-cigarettes, and chew tobacco; cigarette butts are to be disposed of immediately. Not stacked up outside in a container.
S. EXPULSION: Read This!!
  1. If you are kicked out of the house, you have precisely 15 minutes to get some of your things and get out! Your room key must be surrendered immediately. You must call and schedule a time to collect the rest of your things; you have three (3) days to complete this.
  2. Initial _____________ The program fees you have paid & all deposits are forfeited.
  3. The House Manager/Chore Coordinator will clean the room & remove all food & other items from the refrigerator.
  4. If fees are owed to the house, I agree that any of my possessions at the Holy Ghost Housing can be held as collateral, and if not retrieved within 30 days, they can be disposed of in any manner Holy Ghost Housing sees fit.
  1. You live in our “Christian” Clean and sober Homes. Your behavior is expected to conform to Christian attitudes and principles.
  2. Only Christian Literature is allowed in the House. You will not be permitted to bring literature or artifacts from non-Christian organizations such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormon, Native American, Muslim, Wicca, etc.
  3. If you show a bad attitude in the home or during our program services or complain about having to attend church services, you will be required to move out of our house.
The nature of the Holy Ghost Housing is immediate expulsion without notice of a resident member who is found, by Pastor Ed Richardson and the majority of the house members, to be using either alcohol or drugs. Disruptive behavior or nonpayment of program fees can also lead to expulsion from the Holy Ghost Housing. THE WHOLE HOUSE, AS WELL AS PRIVATE BEDROOMS, ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH AT ANY TIME (INCLUDING ANY VEHICLES LOCATED ON THE PREMISES). FAILURE TO ALLOW SEARCHES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH HOUSE RULES WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE EXPULSION FROM THE PREMISES. Expulsion will also be mandatory for refusal to do any required drug/alcohol testing.
_Initials: ________________
Living in Holy Ghost Housing is by membership only. It does not fall under the landlord/tenant act. This means that a resident can be voted out of the house for violations of the house rules, including, but not limited to, not doing required chores, non-payment of program fees, leaving windows or doors unlocked, etc. The senior staff or Pastor Ed Richardson will determine the move-out time.
Violations such as using drugs or alcohol, disruptive behavior, or possessing a weapon will result in the resident member being given 15 minutes to gather their immediate belongings and vacate the house and premises.
I have read the items in this agreement and understand that if I am accepted into Holy Ghost Housing, I agree to the terms listed and waive any landlord/tenant rights to which I may be entitled. I also understand that I fully and freely subject myself to the rules of the Holy Ghost Housing. I also know that these rules are subject to change without notification. I also agree to accept Pastor Ed Richardson as my pastor and AGREE TO MAKE AN EFFORT TO LIVE A CHRISTIAN-BASED LIFESTYLE WHILE RESIDING IN THE HOLY GHOST HOUSING.
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Print Name
I, (print name) ______ ________________________________, do at this moment authorize the release of any information deemed both public and confidential to Pastor Ed Richardson, Overseers of the Holy Ghost Housing. This covers all Court Reports, the Department of Correction’s Reports (both physical & psychiatric), and any other information deemed necessary for beneficiaries' treatment and safety within the Holy Ghost Housings.
This authorization, unless expressly limited by me in writing, applies to records about diagnosis and treatment for alcoholism and substance abuse, testing and treatment for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, and diagnosis and treatment for any mental health or psychiatric condition. This authorization includes releasing information about the diagnosis and treatment or a condition specific to this request.
Signature _________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Print Name
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.